Why Use Professional Photography?
According to these findings, a $600,000 home, sporting only one photo, could sell for as much as 3.8% LESS or a loss of over $22,000, just because there was only one photo accompanying the listing. More amazing is the fact that only 12% of agents posted 20 photos or more.Keep in mind that none of these reports/findings mention the quality of the photographs. If photos are the most important factor, it would follow that by having great, high quality photographs, you can be even further ahead of the game. In many cases, it is the agents themselves who are snapping the pictures and posting them on the agency website.
Because of this, it is important that sellers choose an agent who will take professional looking photos or pay for a professional photographer.
Good quality real estate photographs are difficult to achieve and it should be clear that a real estate agent can’t be expected to have professional photographic skills. Agents should, however be able to recognize the difference between good and poor photos and refrain from posting poor photos where perspective buyers will see them. With that in mind, it is amazing to find all the substandard photos, which agents and sellers seem to be willing to accept when it comes to posting photos of property on the website and into some of the advertising.
“Location, location, location” is the common catch phrase when buying real estate. “Photography, photography, photography” will soon be the new advice when selling. When you look at the difference between photos taken by a professional and ones taken by brokers/agents with digital cameras, it’s not hard to see that you get what you pay for.
Professional photographers use professional equipment, have the skills set to use it and they have a trained eye for making your home look its best.
This is their job, they’re professionals. And paying to have professional real estate photographs, in comparison, is not really expensive when you consider the benefits.
It stands to reason then, that it is very important to have photos that are professionally presented. Some agents use only pictures taken by professional photographers, because, as one agent put it, “if the photos look shoddy or unprofessional, not only are buyers going to find your property unappealing, they’re going to associate you with being shoddy and unprofessional.”
What does all this mean? The Internet is the most powerful tool you can use when buying and/or selling a property. According to results, photography does sell real estate. And when you have high quality professional images for your marketing tools, you win by:
. Generating more interest
. Attracting more viewers/leads
. Generating higher offers/selling price
. Faster sale