Samford Seafood New Menu

Samford Seafood is run by local residents, David Hatch and Janine McIntosh.

David is an ex-Pier Nine chef and both he and Janine are passionate about seafood (if you don’t believe us, check out their holiday snaps on this page).

At Samford Seafood we are focused on customer service. Not only do we strive to provide you with great food, we aim to do it with a smile.

If you are a local, drop in the say hi to us and check out the changes that we have made. We think that you will be pleasantly surprised.

If you are a visitor to Samford, why not stop in for a relaxing meal or pick up some fresh seafood or fish and chips to enjoy at one of the many beautiful picnic spots around Samford.

We look forward to serving you …….

David Hatch & Janine

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